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Santry GP Exterior, Northwood House

santry GP
Family Doctor

Helping to Build a Healthy Community

Free GP care for children under 8 years old and expansion of DVC scheme

The government announced in 2023 the expansion of free GP care to all children under the age of 8 and to households earning below the new median income threshold.


For all new GMS/ DVC applications to Dr Ruth Macauley GMS 54448


Eligible current practice patients can apply as follows:


  • If your child is aged 6 or 7, you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card from 11th August 2023.

  • Important: If your child / children holds a valid card for the Under 6 GP Visit Card scheme already, this card will remain valid until their 8th birthday. You do not need to reapply.

  • If your household earns below the median income (€47,000 per year after deductibles) you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card (DVC). The extension of free GP care on income grounds will take place in two phases, on September 11th and November 13th.


Online Services

About Santry GP Clinic

Santry GP Clinic is a GP surgery located in Northwood, Santry.


Our clinic is wheelchair accessible and has allocated parking spaces for patients.


We offer a wide variety of medical services to medical card and private patients including pregnancy and baby care, childhood vaccinations, women's health including contraception, men's health, mental health and older person care. We also provide clinics for the management of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma and COPD.

Santry GP Reception
Santry GP Dr Karen McGrath Diplomas

New Patients

New private patients can book their first appointment through the website by selecting:



This will create a patient profile, and allow a new patient to book an appointment.

To register with the clinic, all new patients will also need to complete our PATIENT REGISTRATION form, which collects medical information.

This form can be collected from reception or downloaded here - PATIENT REGISTRATION form.
Please bring this completed form to the first appointment.




New GMS/ DVC medical card  patients should contact the clinic by phoning 018420007 or emailing to register with the clinic.

New GMS/ DVC medical card  patients can also make an application through the HSE portal. New GMS/ DVC applications to Dr Ruth Macauley GMS 54448.


To register with the clinic, all new GMS/ DVC patients will also need to complete our PATIENT REGISTRATION form, which collects medical information.

This form can be collected from reception or downloaded here - PATIENT REGISTRATION form.
Please return this completed form to the clinic to complete the registration process for a medical card application.

Medical Card Patients

New Patients
Opening Hours

Contact Us

For requests such as repeat prescriptions, illness certificates, doctor letters/forms and test results, see Online Services. If you need urgent medical attention, please call us, as emails may not be read immediately. 


Clinical queries should not be submitted via email, text or any of the forms on this website as they may not be addressed in a timely manner. 



Phone numbers & email addresses are found at the bottom of all pages.

Opening Hours

Mon-Thurs: 09.00-13.00 & 14.00-17.00

Friday: 09.00-12.30 & 14.00-16.00


Weekends & Bank Holidays: Closed

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